
Monday, 22 June 2015

Sometimes I just need to make some zip top pouches

Love this white and pink giraffe premier print fabric, I lined the, with pink gingham. The larger one has a wrist strap and an internal pocket 

Work in progress. Negative space quilt

I have been playing around for a while on the idea for a negative space modern quilt. So I got out my trusty design book ( lots of blank pages) and colored pencils ( all still sharp) and drew a large grid and started to play around. After having lots of fun and using the eraser LOTS!!! I then cuts huge a,punts of fabric. Made some half square triangles and for the first time made some flying ducks... Nope that's wrong... Flying geese. 
Here is the front ... Only slightly like the design I drew, and much much bigger than I started out with. As I put it together it just seemed to need more.
After agonizing over the front, I decided to just use the Navy for the backing. Well of course the fabric I had was not big enough so I got back to the machine and made more geese... Hahah the flying kind. Here is the back, oh and yes it's Pete holding it up. It was too big for me. I will soon "quilt" it and post the finished product

New Playtime, tummy time, lap, baby, small cot Quilts

I know lots of names for these quilts, they have so many uses, and I can see any child's still dragging it around for years. Love a quilt when it's quiet time.


New Quilt in Red, black and white for a New Mum and Baby

Love this print combination.

Then I had to make a "bit" to go with this gift
And yes the colors screamed LadyBUG!!!